Okurları Medya Platformlarına mı Yönlendirmeli QRLA Sayfasına mı?

Profile picture of H. Omer Sensoy By H. Omer on September 10, 2017

One of the better qualities of print over digital is that it is less distractive and your digital enhancement strategy should respect that. Simply directing your readers to media platform pages from your printed media might end up distracting them... Jumping from content to content within the platform can cause your readers to be detached from your actual story/message/goal.

But we can have the best of both worlds. QRLA makes it delightfully easy to embed these media contents from worlds most popular platforms. All you need to do is to paste their link and you have the media + the rest of the blank page!

Below is a side by side comparison of different issues you might want to consider about before making your next print-with-digital project. On the left, your readers is directed to the media playing on the platform's web page, on the right the same media from the same platform but embeded inside a QRLA content page.

1. Video

The main reason why you directed your readers into this page. But there can be so many things happening before, during and after video plays.



Can start with a preroll advertisement

No preroll advertisement

Can have info banners during the video

No info banners during the video

Can end with platform suggested videos

No platform suggested videos

2. Content Page

It is a responsibility to craft the page so that everything inside it serves your main purpose of enhanced experience. Now ask yourself... Do they?



Page has single video as main content

Embedded video is only part of the content

Page can include undesired ads

Creator has the full page control

Platform Suggested videos can distract viewers attention

Creator has the full page control

3. Traffic Data of the Page

How effective is your digital project really? Seeing the traffic generated through your project can help you and your stakeholders immensely. Are you able to see it?



If you are not the owner of video content, you have no access to media traffic coming through your project.

QRLA built-in analytics tools show you day by day traffic through your project.

4. Monetization

You just opened a new front for your readers and it presents new monetization options... or at least it should!



If you are not the owner of video content, you have no monetization options by sharing.

You are the owner of your page. You can place ads to the rest of your page if you choose to do so.

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