
QRLA'nın Farklı Kullanım Alanları

For Books

For this book DPUB/IO was used to add digital content to the printed book. In various pages there are QR codes... when scanned it shows a multimedia that goes along with the material.

For Standalone

If you like, you can use DPUB/IO to create purely digital publications. This is an example publication that has only a digital front.

For Magazines

Inside the printed magazine there is a feature article about a hotel. In its digital part the reader can see an interactive map and get directions to its location. See an image slider and link to its website.

For Product Packages

DPUB/IO can help brands communicate better with their customers. Here the qr code is used to show a page that has recipes and ingredients.

For Exhibitions

DPUB/IO can be used to give a digital front to almost anything. Here is a use case for exhibitions. DPUB/IO is used to provide additional content for the painting.

For Textbooks

School textbooks can benefit a lot from DPUB/IO. In this example the textbook has additional video elements to ensure student learning.

For Product Packages

DPUB/IO can help brands communicate better with their customers. Here the qr code is used to show a page that has recipes and ingredients.

For Magazines

The cover of the magazine sends the reader to publishers profile page inside DPUB/IO. There the reader can navigate through different issues and glanze through its digital contents.

For Magazines

Shopping pages are very common in magazines. Pages publishers create using DPUB/IO allows readers to instantly shop what they see on the spread.

For Magazines

The contents page for the magazine has also a QRCode. This one leads reader to the publication page. Viewers can find the list of all the digital contents for the publication and easily navigate there... even without scanning qr codes.

For Magazines

Shopping pages are very common in magazines. Pages publishers create using DPUB/IO allows readers to instantly shop what they see on the spread.

For Ads

In this example the printed ad for the fashion brand has a higher value with the digital presence through DPUB/IO. The brand has a Youtube video of it's latest collection and with Placelist section their stores are listed according to distance to the viewer.

For Ads

In this example the printed ad of Istanbul Bienali becomes much more reachable with the digital page created using DPUB/IO. This way the reader can see the exhibition locations, watch Bieanli video and visit the official website.

For Ads

This printed ad is for a shopping mobile app. The digital part made with DPUB/IO has a video of what the app is all about and how it's used... It also has direct download link to the device specific app store.

For Ads

This printed ad is for Volvo. The printed ad uses a power image and some information. The digital part allows users to watch video, direct readers to app stores specifically according to their device.